2022: the year of the first developments of the funded companies and the beginning of internationalization! You will have seen it from the inside :)
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2022.
There are currently 67863 shareholders who carry it.
Trabajas por el bien del grupo.
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 5.000 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 54 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 469 shareholders who carry it.
Es increíble lo que se puede construir con simples ramas.
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 2.000 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 136 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 1071 shareholders who carry it.
¡la unidad es la fuerza!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 1.000 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 512 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 3878 shareholders who carry it.
¡Gracias por confiar sus nueces para el Planeta!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 500 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 1104 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 7461 shareholders who carry it.
¡Mucho más útil en Team for the Planet que en una trituradora!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 200 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 2293 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 14022 shareholders who carry it.
¡Cada uno hace su parte y eso cuenta!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 100 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 6327 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 35707 shareholders who carry it.
Buzz - word
Para obtener esta insignia, debe poseer al menos 50 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 9974 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 57987 shareholders who carry it.
¡Animado/a y brillante!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 10 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 17072 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 110250 shareholders who carry it.
Lo que cuenta no es el tamaño, sino el hormiguero.
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 1 accion de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 18366 socios/as que la poseen.
There are currently 124191 shareholders who carry it.
The Shareholders contribute financially to Team for the Planet's development. Any adult of age can become a Shareholder. Legal entities (companies, NGOs, regional governments...) can also become Shareholders.
Sponsors are legal entities that have financially supported Team for the Planet but could not become a shareholder for one reason or another. Sponsorship doesn't include any reward from Team for the Planet. These entities have no voting rights at the General Meeting.
Socios/as empleados/as de SARLU Fsc Consulting de Team for the Planet