
Fanny Barcat

Shareholder since 2023-01-03

Déléguée territoriale

Their company  : Urscop

1 collaborator shareholder

"Je suis une croyante inébranlable en la capacité des humains et des organisations à prendre la voie d'un avenir durable, positif, collectif, et collaboratif. Je veux relever les défis de l'innovation sociétale, économique et environnementale. Je veux remettre de l'envie, du dynamisme et de l'attractivité dans nos projets."


2023 :
Ce badge est remis à titre de remerciement à toutes les personnes ayant acquis au moins une action en 2023. There are currently 19054 shareholders who carry it.
Standing upright for change!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1,000 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 4044 shareholders who carry it.
Thank you for entrusting us with your nuts for the Planet!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 500 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 7784 shareholders who carry it.
Much more useful at Team for the Planet than in a grinder!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 200 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 14634 shareholders who carry it.
Everyone does their part and it counts!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 100 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 36833 shareholders who carry it.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 59668 shareholders who carry it.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 113345 shareholders who carry it.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share. There are currently 127898 shareholders who carry it.


Why I became a Team for the Planet shareholder

Parce que j'ai lu "Humanité - Une histoire optimiste" de Rutger Bregman. Parce que j'ai des enfants. Parce que je ne vis pas dans le monde de oui-oui, mais je pense que chacun‧e porte, à priori, l'intention et l'envie de préserver notre planète. Parce que seul le collectif peut révéler cette intention et cette envie.

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