SAS Bat Recup - Br Korp

Shareholder since 2022-12-21

3 Imp Des Violettes, 64210, Bidart, France

1 collaborator shareholder


2022: the year of the first developments of the funded companies and the beginning of internationalization! You will have seen it from the inside :)
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2022. There are currently 67863 shareholders who carry it.
Thank you for entrusting us with your nuts for the Planet!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 500 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 7461 shareholders who carry it.
Much more useful at Team for the Planet than in a grinder!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 200 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 14022 shareholders who carry it.
Everyone does their part and it counts!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 100 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 35707 shareholders who carry it.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 57987 shareholders who carry it.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 110250 shareholders who carry it.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share. There are currently 124191 shareholders who carry it.


  • done


    The Shareholders contribute financially to Team for the Planet's development. Any adult of age can become a Shareholder. Legal entities (companies, NGOs, regional governments...) can also become Shareholders.
  • clear


    Sponsors are legal entities that have financially supported Team for the Planet but could not become a shareholder for one reason or another. Sponsorship doesn't include any reward from Team for the Planet. These entities have no voting rights at the General Meeting.


Plateforme communautaire numérique pour le réemploi des matériaux du bâtiment et de la construction !

How SAS Bat Recup - Br Korp lower their carbon emissions internally

L'objectif de BatRecup est de contribuer à la réduction des déchets et du gaspillage dans le Btp et la construction... et donc sur notre planète ! Nous souhaitons sensibiliser, influencer et améliorer les comportements, via nos utilisateurs et leurs entourages. En appui et relais, notre démarche est plébiscitée par de nombreux influenceurs du bâtiment et du bricolage. Nous avons également la volonté de participer et/ou d'initier des journées de sensibilisation et d'action autour de sujets de prédilection (World Clean Up Days, journées du réemploi, etc...). Enfin, par le biais de notre MédiaWeb et de nos Reportages nous souhaitons sensibiliser fortement en témoignant des réalisations, des acteurs du réemploi précisément et de l'amélioration de l'environnement de manière générale. chez nous ? nous tentons au mieux et chaque jour d'assurer les bonnes pratiques : CoVoiturage - Tri Sélectifs dans nos locaux - Produits en vrac - Equipement prioritaire en réemploi - Limite des emails et nettoyage des stockages inutiles - Optimisation des consommations énergétiques.

SAS Bat Recup - Br Korp collaborators who are Team for the Planet shareholders

Et si comme SAS Bat Recup - Br Korp vous luttiez à grande échelle contre le changement climatique ?