Les 'points Team' sont attribués selon l'adéquation de la solution avec le type d'innovations recherchées par Team for the Planet. Ils correspondent à l'analyse de plusieurs facteurs :
Soumises à évaluations : Après avoir été pré-filtrées afin de vérifier qu’elles répondent bien à l’un des 20 problèmes traités par Team for the Planet et qu’elles ont le degré de maturité attendu, les innovations sont soumises à évaluation.
The world's first manufacturer of sustainable paper from fallen leaves
About 3.1 millions hectares of forest are cut down for paper production every year. We believe that trees should grow in the forest, humanity should breathe oxygen and paper should be made of fallen leaves. Our mission is the manufacturing of sustainable paper from biowastes without harming the environment.
We change the approach for packaging supply and satisfy growing demand without harming the planet. In cooperation with global brands we promote sustainable alternative to extermination of ancient forest for paper. Using fallen leaves we get paper in the production of which not any tree had been cut.
Wide range manufacturers and retailers which use paper and paper packaging in their operations.
1. Releaf Paper is made from plant waste while plain paper requires tree felling. 2. CO2 emission is 78% lower comparing to traditional paper manufacturing 3. Paper from leaves degrades in 30 days in the soil while the period of biogradation of ordinary paper starts from 270 days