Les 'points Team' sont attribués selon l'adéquation de la solution avec le type d'innovations recherchées par Team for the Planet. Ils correspondent à l'analyse de plusieurs facteurs :
Soumises à évaluations : Après avoir été pré-filtrées afin de vérifier qu’elles répondent bien à l’un des 20 problèmes traités par Team for the Planet et qu’elles ont le degré de maturité attendu, les innovations sont soumises à évaluation.
To upscale and implement REDstack technology to generate sustainable full-continuous power.
To generate large quantities of sustainable and full-continuous power by: - reducing the need for conversion and storage when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow ; - increasing grid stability and generating sustainable base-load.
REDstack developed the technology and the key component to harvest power out of contacting flows of fresh water and salt water. Wherever a river flows into the sea, or other flows with different salinity meet, significant power can be generated. The worldwide potential is at least 1 TW.
Clients are power companies and large industries, that generate their own power, and are located in deltas.
No conversion or storage is needed. REDstack generates full-continuous power to be supplied to the grid immediately in a flexible way.