Here are all the innovations Team for the Planet has received through its innovations submission form
After checking that an innovation is within the scope of the 20 issues Team for the Planet targets and that it has reached a sufficient maturity, the innovation is being assessed.
After the evaluations made by our volunteer assessors, innovations with the strongest impact potential are submitted to the Scientific Committee. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.
Innovations considered scientifically doable by the Scientific Committee are tested to check their economic viability. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.
For innovations reaching this stage, the Supervisory Board checks that the innovations selection process has been followed properly. Afterwards, all shareholders vote regarding an investment agreement. Then, financial and legal negotiations with the innovators take place.
These are the innovations now carried within the Team for the Planet subsidiaries. The ultimate culmination of the process!
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Moins de CO2 + recyclage de la matière
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Est un concentrateur solaire produisant de l'électricité et de l'énergie thermique.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
the largest project mankind can start to reduce energy consumption by increased efficiency
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
EcoChar conçoit et commercialise des centrales vertes, qui fournissent de l’énergie
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Transformation of the heat of the ambient air into kWhe according to the "circular economy" mode
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Un bioplastique compostable à base d'algue pour l'emballage flexible.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
EEL ENERGY c'est de la production d'électricité verte sans pollution.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
New plant-based material for the construction industry offering mechanical resistance and thermal insulation performances superior to the market.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Accelerate the low-carbon transition and restrict the CO2 emissions potential of heavy industry, through the strengthening of laws regulating emissions.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Chauffage économique (achat et utilisation), préserve la ressource, ne pollue pas
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Une éolienne simple, légère, adaptable, réparable, recyclable.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Roulons ensemble vers l'avenir qui nous inspire
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
L'énergie électrique est notre avenir, celle qui vient de l'eau est propre et gratuite.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
BAGH c'est l'hydrogène, énergie du territoire...
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Macro-algae forests capture enormous amounts of carbon, re-develop aquatic life and can be harvested to feed the world's population.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Fortpress: Decrease the CO2 impact of your website and start to be green
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
La solution naturelle à l'échelle des risques climatiques.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
L'énergie "bleue" par excellence pour toute commune affectée par les marées