Here are all the innovations Team for the Planet has received through its innovations submission form
After checking that an innovation is within the scope of the 20 issues Team for the Planet targets and that it has reached a sufficient maturity, the innovation is being assessed.
After the evaluations made by our volunteer assessors, innovations with the strongest impact potential are submitted to the Scientific Committee. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.
Innovations considered scientifically doable by the Scientific Committee are tested to check their economic viability. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.
For innovations reaching this stage, the Supervisory Board checks that the innovations selection process has been followed properly. Afterwards, all shareholders vote regarding an investment agreement. Then, financial and legal negotiations with the innovators take place.
These are the innovations now carried within the Team for the Planet subsidiaries. The ultimate culmination of the process!
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
des solutions industrielles bas carbone pour rendre les voitures électriques abordables
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Loger des milliers de familles de part le monde, tout en aidant la planète (réduction du CO2)
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
ECOMOB, c'est la rencontre du low-tech et de la sobriété énergétique et matérielle.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Oeuvrer pour la revitalisation des petites et moyennes villes en rénovant écologiquement
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
portable lightweight wind power that can be deployed at scale
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
A passive and low-tech solution for the protection of buildings and cities against high temperatures due to climate change.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Des service pour les artisans et propriétaires pour faire des rénos globales
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Un nouveau matériau bio-sourcé, un nouveau mode de production, et de construction
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Mesurer et réduire les émissions de CO2 de vos applications web
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Higher performance roads at lower costs, with lower CO2 emissions.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Open new markets for wind power and greatly reduce its cost and environmental footprint.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
The technology that is going to fix fast fashion.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Réduisez vos factures d'énergie tout en diminuant vos émissions de CO2 ! L'énergie solaire thermique réinventée.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
A new ecological, safe and efficient aluminium battery technology.
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
La baisse de l'impact carbone de la construction des bâtiments et la sobriété énergétique
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Production d'ENR hydroélectrique en continu respectueuse de la continuité écologique
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Un bateau totalement clean, smart et zen !
'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
La meilleure des voitures Française va pouvoir passer le 21 siècle sans partir à la casse.