'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Submitted to market tests : Innovations considered scientifically doable by the Scientific Committee are tested to check their economic viability. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.
A wastewater heating and air conditioning solution for buildings
Our solution is aimed at buildings in need of a reliable, tried and tested heating solution that is economical, ecological, and low-carbon
Our heating solution has more than 10 years of feedback from around fifteen completed installations, through which clients have seen an average reduction of 65% in heating bills and 90% in CO2 emissions compared with a traditional oil- or gas-based systems
For all buildings with a thermal output of >50kW. We target the providers: of properties (Real Estate, Developers, Construction Companies, Housing Associations, Promoters), of heating networks, and of sanitation networks
- Low-tech solution - Solution applicable to the majority of pipe diameters within France's sanitation network (Prototype developed for non-visitable DN 500 to 1000 pipes) - Solution that is 100% made in France